The Competence Matrix is a central component within a competence management system that provides a complete view of an organization's competencies, qualifications, requirements and how they align with job positions. It is a dynamic tool designed to facilitate informed decision-making, ensure compliance with the maritime industry standards, and optimize workforce management.
By using all the components configured by the administrator in the competence section of the safety management system, this ensures the Competence Matrix remains current and aids the organization in various aspects, including:
Strategic Crew Planning: The Competence Matrix assists in strategic crew planning by mapping competencies to the job positions on board. It helps organizations identify competency gaps, plan for future needs, and ensure that the crew members possess the necessary skills to fulfill their roles effectively.
Visibility and Transparency: It offers complete visibility into the competencies available within the organization. This transparency ensures that decision-makers have access to up-to-date information about the crew members qualifications and certifications.
Compliance and Safety: In industries with a high focus on safety, such as maritime, the Competence Matrix plays a crucial role in ensuring regulatory compliance. It helps verify that employees possess the necessary certifications and qualifications required for their positions.
Skill Development: The matrix identifies competency gaps, helping the organization ensure that crew members receive the necessary specific training to fill these gaps and enhance their skills.
Competence Matrix view
The Competence Matrix overview displays all active users in the system and lists every competence requirement set up for each individual job position (job position under the name of each employee).
At the bottom of the matrix, you'll find a count of fulfilled requirements. The number on the left of the slash indicates the fulfilled requirements, while the number on the right indicates the missing ones. Two rows will be displayed: one for the actual amount and one for the percentage.
You will also have the option to apply or modify several parameters here to further customize the Competence Matrix. These are:
Once you choose a department, the matrix will show only the users who are assigned to that specific department.
You must select a department before you can specify or make changes in this parameter.
This further customizes the matrix for the selected department, displaying users based on the chosen "Shift" parameter.
Excluded users
From the list currently displayed in the competence matrix, you can remove any users using this parameter. The dropdown menu with employees will also update to match what is shown in the matrix.
Excluded competence
From the list currently displayed in the competence matrix, you can remove any competence displayed using this parameter. The dropdown menu with competence will also update to match what is shown in the matrix. Similar to the excluded user-parameter
Send notifications
Opens a window where you can choose users to send a notification informing them that they have missing competence requirements that need to be registered in the system.
Alters the way the competence matrix is presented; the default view (matrix) is quite detailed, showing the expiration dates of competences.
The basic view simplifies the competence matrix by minimizing the table, and removing the display of competence expiration dates. However, when you hover over each box, you can still see the status of the competences.
Basic view of the Competence Matrix.