Crew on a trip

Crew on a trip

To add, update/edit, and/or remove crew, your user must have the necessary privileges for this module set on your job position.

Crew management on a trip is handled from the "Crew" tab.

Add crew

  1. To add crew, start by clicking the "Add Crew Member" button.
    1. If the trip doesn't have any crew members added yet, this button is located at the middle of the page. If there are crew members attached to the trip, this button will be located on top of the crew member list.
  2. You will now get a windows showing a list of available crew members.
    1. These are users that can be added to the trip, both those who are employed directly on the department/vessel and those who have additional access to this department.
    2. You may also filter on a specific shift (top left) or search for a specific name or job position using the search field on the top right.
    3. The list also shows each user's availability status:
      1. Green indicates that the user is available for the full duration of the trip.
      2. Yellow indicates possible scheduling conflicts. This could originate from trips or activities on other departments/vessels that partially overlaps the time span for the trip. These users can still be added to the trip, but they will need their participation adjusted after adding them to resolve the scheduling conflict.
      3. Red indicates that the user cannot be added, as they already have a trip or activity for the entire time span for the trip.
  3. From this list, you can check the box next to each user you want to add as crew on this trip, either fully or partially, and then click the "Confirm" button to finally add them.

Manage crew on a trip

By default, all crew will have their start and end dates/times set to the same dates/times as the trip itself, but there are cases where crew might have a shorter participation on the trip, or temporarily have a different function (job position) on parts of or the entire trip. This could be connected to scheduling conflicts (against trips/activities on other departments), absences, or emergencies on board.

If a crew member needs to be removed entirely from the trip, you can use the trashcan icon on this user's entry. This will remove this user's participation from the trip entirely, including from crew lists and reports, and this should only be done in cases when a user is/was unable to participate on the trip at all. If a user (crew member) participated on parts of the trip, the editing tool should be used instead, as described below.

To edit a crew member's participation on a trip, click the pencil icon on this crew member's entry in the crew list.
  1. If the user can participate or has participated on just a part of the trip (either in connection with a scheduling conflict or unexpected/planned absence), the start and end date/time can be changed in this dialog.
  2. If the user will have a different job position on board, the job position can be changed here.
    1. The user will receive the necessary privileges on this department for the duration of the trip (or the dates/times provided).
  3. In cases where a user has had a different function on parts of the trip, e.g. at sudden sick leave or other emergency where this user has to temporarily take over the function of a higher-ranking officer/position for the remainder of the trip, the "Add Position" function can be used.
    1. This allows you to adjust when the user will end their regular job position (end date/time under "1. Position"), set the start and end date/time for the time span when the user needs to fill the secondary job position (under "2. Position"), and, of course, the job position they will temporarily have (with the necessary privileges).
    2. Example scenario: the chief engineer falls ill at some point during the trip, and the 2nd engineer will temporarily have to fill the position of chief engineer for the rest of the trip.
      1. In this case, you will need to edit the participation of the actual chief engineer and set the end date/time when this person fell ill (or became unavailable). Then, you can edit the participation of the 2nd engineer, setting the end date/time for the position as 2nd engineer to the same date/time as the chief engineer fell ill, add a new position, and in the new section, set the job position to chief engineer, the start date/time to one minute after the actual chief engineer fell ill, and the end date/time to the same as the end of the trip.
      2. This change will later be reflected in crew reports.
      3. When a crew member has a split participation like this, this user will appear in the crew list with an extra line entry.
  4. In all cases where a crew member's participation is changed, you may also add a comment that describes the reason for the change.

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