Maintenance Module - Admin settings
1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
system's maintenance module must be configured correctly before it can be used
effectively. Within the “Maintenance” section, the user must populate several
menus with correct data. These menus are:
- Job
- Components
1.2 Key Features
- Creating specific job types for
the vessel and the users to select when creating/updating maintenance tasks
within the system.
- Creating a structured and
detailed maintenance system to help organize information related to equipment, components,
and maintenance activities.
Getting started
Accessing the Maintenance-settings
To configure any of these features, the administrator
can access this through the “Admin settings” and then “Maintenance”-menu:
Job Types.
User Interface Overview
Job Types
- New Job Type: Click this button to add a new job type to that will be available
for selection for any new/existing maintenance tasks.
- Table: Overview
table listing all currently active Job Types in the maintenance system.
- Job Type-entry: Current system Job Types. Select a specific Job Type to edit its
- Search: Search
bar for the table. Particularly beneficial for systems with numerous entries.
- New Root Element: Creates a new root element (main menu). Use this when creating a completely
new structure within the maintenance module.
- Root Element: Root element entry (main menu). When creating or editing the
structure, the root elements are always available at the top for selection.
Sub-menus can then be added under the root element.
- Angle Bracket: The Angle Bracket icon serves as an indicator for the presence of
additional sub-menus within the root element or existing sub-menus. Click on
the bracket icon to reveal the sub-menus.
- Edit: Select
the pen icon to edit the root element or sub-menu. If the menu is a "Component
Group" you can modify its name, SFI-numbering, and menu placement. If
it's a "Component" you can make the same changes and input
specific component details (such as maker, model, serial number, etc.). You will also have the option to delete the
selected menu.
- New menu: Select
the plus sign to create a new menu (either a component group or a component)
under the currently chosen menu.
- Delete menu: N/A (this is performed through the “Edit” function).
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