Non-conformance "Open"-state

Non-conformance "Open"-state


The "Open"-state is the initial phase where a non-conformance is identified and registered. This phase involves the detection and initial response to the non-conformance, ensuring that it is properly documented and that corrective actions are initiated promptly.

Table overview

When you click and open the "Non-conformances"-module in the system, the first thing you'll encounter is this table overview. It displays all the current non-conformances that are open for this department and are to be addressed by the relevant personnel. The information presented in the columns is intended to offer a quick summary of each specific non-conformance to the user, eliminating the need to open each individual non-conformance separately.


The ID of the non-conformance will always consist of Department ID - Year - Number (consecutive numbering).


Name of the non-conformance.


Non-conformance type.


Severity of the non-conformance (if activated for the non-conformance type).


Registration date of the non-conformation.


Specify the expiration date for corrective actions to be taken to address the non-conformance.

Responsible for follow up

Position(s) responsible for following up the corrective measures to be taken for the non-conformace (can also assign this to position groups).

Responsible for closing

Position(s) responsible for closing the non-conformance (can also assign this to position groups).
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