Perform drill

Perform drill


  1. Users typically start by accessing the Drills Module within the safety management system.
  2. Within the Drills Module, users can view a list of all available drills and exercises. This list provides an overview of the drills scheduled for execution.
  3. Users choose a specific drill task from the list based on the type of drill they are scheduled to perform.
  4. Before initiating the drill, users review the drill details, including the drill's name, description, objectives, location, and scheduled date.
  5. Users ensure that all relevant information, including digital forms/checklists, observations, and outcomes, is appropriately documented within the system. This documentation serves as a record of the drill for compliance, and historical purposes. This history may be useful for future reference.
  6. Upon drill completion the system will then automatically calculate the next Due date for the drill (based on interval days).


During the "Perform"-stage of the drill, a participant list will be accessible, allowing users to select and record the personnel who attended the drill. This list is also available in the drill log and serves a critical role for future reference and auditing purposes.

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