8.2 Performing/editing a maintenance task

8.2 Performing/editing a maintenance task


  1. Users typically start by accessing the Maintenance module within the system.
  2. Within the module, users can view a list of all available maintenance jobs. This list provides an overview of tasks that need attention.
  3. Users choose a specific maintenance task from the list that requires attention. This can be based on factors such as due date, priority, or equipment involved.
  4. Users execute the maintenance task following established procedures . This can include inspections, repairs, replacements, or other maintenance activities specific to the task.
  5. The system maintains a historical record of the maintenance task, including details of actions performed, completion dates, and any associated documentation. This history is useful for future reference.
  6. Upon completion the system will then automatically calculate the next Due date for the maintenance task (based on interval days/run hours).

Navigating the SFI-structure and table overview can be challenging, particularly when searching for a specific maintenance job. To simplify this process, a search field is provided, allowing users to search for specific keywords related to the maintenance job they are seeking.

In addition to the search field, the table displays maintenance jobs within the folder you are currently viewing and its subfolders. As you navigate deeper into the SFI-structure, the table dynamically updates to show maintenance tasks related to the specific component and its sub-components. This means that you can focus on tasks at different hierarchical levels by simply navigating through the component menus.
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