Run time-module description

Run time-module description


The Hour Counter Module in the system is designed to efficiently track and manage the operational hours of various equipment, machinery, or assets. This table provides a concise overview of hour counters, offering key information for effective maintenance planning.


The "Run Time" column in the table serves as a database within the Maintenance Module. Maintenance tasks have the option to use run hours as an expiration or interval parameter. These tasks can be linked to a specific run hour, and the system can then calculate various service dates based on this runtime data. This functionality enables the system to provide users with detailed information related to the specific run hour and associated maintenance tasks, enhancing the precision and efficiency of maintenance planning and execution.


This column lists the name or identifier of each hour counter, typically associated with a specific piece of equipment or machinery. It helps users quickly identify the asset being monitored.

Run time

Indicates the total running time, in hours, that the equipment has accumulated since the last reset or maintenance event. This value provides a overview of the equipment's recent usage.

Corrected runtime

Reflects the run time adjusted for factors like idle time or downtime. Corrected runtime provides a more accurate representation of the equipment's actual productive usage.

Average daily run time

Calculates the average number of hours the equipment has been in operation each day. This metric helps in assessing the equipment's usage patterns and workload.

Days until expiry

Specifies the number of days remaining until the equipment is due for a manual check or maintenance event.

Days since last update

Indicates the number of days that have elapsed since the last update or maintenance action was performed on the equipment. This value is essential for tracking the maintenance history and ensuring timely interventions.

Est. hours since last update

Estimates the number of operating hours the equipment has accrued since its last update or maintenance event. This estimation aids in assessing whether the equipment is due for maintenance based on its usage.


The status column provides a quick reference to the equipment's current condition or maintenance needs. Status labels include "OK, Expiring, Expired" to convey the status of the run time.

Detailed view

Detailed view for specific run hour view.

When you access the detailed view of the individual run hour, it provides additional options and information:


In the Run Time module, the "Description" metadata provides users with essential information about each hour counter. This description typically includes details such as the equipment's name or identifier, its make and model, location, and any unique characteristics that distinguish it from other assets. The description serves as a clear reference point, enabling maintenance personnel to quickly identify the specific equipment or machinery being monitored.


Access management within the Run Time module involves defining and regulating user permissions and privileges related to hour counter data. It allows administrators to determine who can view, edit, or modify run time information. This access control ensures that only authorized personnel can make changes to sensitive runtime records.


Allows users to modify the alert type. There will be a range of alert types to choose from, and each one has their own unique warning threshold and alert notification (managed within the "Admin Settings").

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