Competence matrix for Planned Activities

Competence matrix for Planned Activities

IMPORTANT NOTICE: To ensure the Competence Matrix functions correctly, it is essential to configure the competence requirements accurately. If the requirements are not set up correctly, you will receive the following message:

Competence matrix for Planned Activities

(see Compentece -> Comeptence Requirement article for how the matrix is set up)
The competence matrix displayed in the "Planned Activities"-tab will provide a matrix view containing information for users who have scheduled activities on the selected date.

Excluded users

Select user(s) to exclude from displaying in the matrix

Exclude competences

Select competence(s) to exclude from displaying in the matrix

Start date

Select a date, and the matrix will present a list of all users with planned activities occurring on that chosen date.


Create a PDF file of the matrix with options to select values as before, but now including a new feature that allows you to exclude specific competence requirements.

Send notifications

Sends a notifcation (e-mail) to the users selected from the list.


Alter the matrix display mode: choose between the default detailed view or a simplified overview.

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