8.3 Tagging components as critical

8.3 Tagging components as critical

User Privileges

In order to tag a component as critical, you first need the necessary Job Position Privileges to access the Admin Settings in CCOM X. Contact the person who is technical responsible in your company, or CCOM Support, to have this arranged if you do not have access.

Tagging component as critical

First, click on the button called Admin Settings at the bottom left of your screen. This will take you to a new page.

Navigate to the Maintenance-button below MAINTENANCE & STORAGE and then select Components.
This will bring up the Maintenance component structure for the selected department.

The component structure separated into Component and Component group.
  1. Component is meant for the individual equipment on board the vessel and contains fields to input information about said component.
  2. Component group exists to categorize Component into subsections and does not contain fields to input information.
Navigate to the desired component by pressing the small arrow to expand the component structure. In this example we will be using the component 601.001 ME.

Click the Pencil-button to the right of the component to edit it. This will open up a new page to edit the Component details.

Further down is a category called Component settings. Here you will find the switches to mark the component as Critical, Class and Spare. All can be enabled at the same time.
Click the switch next to Critical component to enable it as such.

When enabled, a exclamation triangle will appear below Status on the Component in the Component structure.

Removing critical tag

Follow the previous steps to navigate to the desired component and Component settings.
Then disable the switch for Critical component; This will remove the exclamation triangle.

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