


This table simplifies the monitoring and management of any tasks, ensuring that important tasks are performed on time and in compliance with regulations. It also allows for easy identification of any overdue tasks.


The Tasks Module serves a critical purpose in ensuring the safety and compliance of maritime operations. Its primary objectives are to enhance safety, streamline task management, and promote regulatory compliance in the maritime industry. In certain tasks, extensive documentation is necessary. The integration of digital forms allows for the creation, submission, and management of documentation directly within the submission of the task.

Here is a detailed breakdown of the columns presented:


This column lists the name or description of the specific task or activity.


This column specifies the recurring interval at which the task must be performed. It indicates how often the task needs to be completed, such as daily, weekly, monthly, or annually.

Days until expiry

This column calculates and displays the number of days remaining until the task's next scheduled expiry date. It provides a clear countdown to the next due date.


This column indicates the specific date when the task is set to expire. It is based on the interval and is automatically calculated from the last date the task was performed.

Last performed

This column records the most recent date when the task was completed. It helps in tracking the task's historical performance and compliance.


This column provides the current status of the task. It typically includes labels such as "Expiring," "Expired," or "OK" to quickly convey the task's compliance status.


Shortcut for performing the task from the table-view.

Detailed view

The detailed view of an individual task within the Task-module. This view offers comprehensive information and various options related to that specific task, and goes in-depth of the drill's details and associated actions.

When you access the detailed view of the individual task, it provides additional options and information about the individual task.
These options are:


Specifies the location where the taskis located. This information is crucial for crew members to navigate to the system efficiently.


Offers a comprehensive breakdown of the task, including its purpose, scope, and any specific instructions or procedures that crew members must follow. This detailed description ensures that all personnel have a clear understanding of the task's requirements.

Responsible owner

Identifies the individual crew member or department that assumes overall responsibility for the task's successful execution. This designation ensures clear ownership and accountability within the organization.


Links to the specific digital forms or checklists associated with the task. Upon performing the task, the crew members will fill out the conneted form to complete documentation electronically.


Specifies the access permissions for the task. Administrators can determine who has read, write, or edit access to the task information.


User can attach any task-related documents, such as equipment manuals, safety guidelines, or reference materials. Users can upload, view, or download these attachments for reference and documentation purposes.

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