Add New Trip

Add New Trip

To add new trips, your user must have the necessary privileges for this module set on your job position.

  1. To set up a new trip, start by clicking the button "Add New Trip" from the list of trips.
  2. Fill in the necessary details about the trip:

    1. Name: A descriptive name for the trip.
    2. Description (optional): A more detailed description of the trip (such as the destination/purpose of the trip).
    3. Start: Date and time for the planned start of the trip.
    4. End: Date and time for the planned end of the trip.
    5. Status: "Active", "Inactive" or "Completed"
      1. "Inactive" status is mainly used at the planning stage of future trips or setting up trips in general.
        It is recommended that all trips are set to the "Inactive" status until the trip actually starts.
      2. "Active" status is used for the trip that is currently active. Only 1 trip may be active at any given time, so the trip will have to be completed before the next trip is started.
        By selecting the "Active" status you will be asked if you want to change the start date/time to the current date/time, meaning the trip starts now. Answer "No" to this if the trip has already started at an earlier time.
      3. "Completed" status is used for completed trips, and will be available in reports and other exported files.
        By selecting the "Completed" status you will be asked if you want to change the end date/time to the current date/time, meaning the trip ended now. Answer "No" to this if the trip was ended at an earlier time. (Tip: Use the same time of day as the start time to ensure embarkment and disembarkment lasts for full days.)
    6. Attachments (optional): Relevent files to be attached to the trip, such as pictures, documentation, lists, reports and/or other files.
  3. When all the required information has been entered, click the "Save" button" (top right) to create the trip.
  4. You will now get to the trip details page for a single trip, where you may perform further actions for this trip.
For next steps, see Trip management.
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