

The Competence Module is an essential function of the safety management system, and manages a detailed catalog of certifications and competencies pertinent to the organization's operations and roles. It comprises two distinct sections: one for individual competence information and another for the competence prerequisites specific to vessel(s) and job position(s).


This section is designed for capturing and storing comprehensive information about each individual competence, along with its associated metadata.

Table overview

In this overview, you can quickly access and summarize information for each individual competence through columns that provide the essential details.

The table overview for the "Competences" available for selection in the system. Administrators have the flexibility to add additional certificates or competencies as required using this module.

Sort order

The assigned value determines the display order of certificates in the competence matrix. Each value must be unique and cannot be the same as any other sorting order number.

Competence code

The competence code can either be an abbreviation of the competence name or the actual code of the competence. For instance, the Basic Safety Course could have "IMO60" as its competence code. The competence code will display in various places of the system.

Competence name

The complete name of the competence.

In use

This will indicate whether the competence is currently in use and available for selection or viewing in the system.


Will indicate whether the competence has a date of validity

Validity range in months

This displays the number of months for which the competence remains valid. For instance, a course with a 5-year validity will have a validity range of 60 months.

Add/edit competence

When adding new, or editing existing competence, you'll notice additional options and fields that are available for use.

Add/edit competence view.

Competence group

This must be set up beforehand, see this article.

The competence group categorizes each competence, typically aligning with its type, and the available sorting numbers for selection are determined based on the chosen group.


Enable this option if a specific form needs to be linked, typically for specific employee tasks, such as familiarization checklists.
Once activated, a dropdown menu will appear, allowing you to select the desired form to be used in conjunction with the competence.

Alert type

When activating the "Expiry"-option, you will also need to select an "Alert type" to be used. There will be a range of alert types to choose from, and each one has their own unique warning threshold and alert notification (managed within the "Alerts"-menu).

Competence requirement

In this section, the administrator will have access to the existing competence requirements defined for various positions aboard the vessel. Here, you can view and manage the specific competencies that are required for each position on the vessel, ensuring that the crew members possess the necessary skills and qualifications for their roles.

Table overview

In this overview, you can quickly access and summarize information for each individual competence requirement through columns that provide the essential details.

This table provides an overview of the currently active "Competence Requirements" within the system. Administrators can easily add new requirements or make edits to existing ones as required.

Competence code

This refers to the competence code of the selected competenc used in the set requirement.

Competence name

This refers to the competence name of the selected competenc used in the set requirement.

Requirement type

This indicates the current level of the requirement, which can be set as mandatory, optional, preferred, or not required.


This specifies which department within the system that has the selected competence as a requirement.

Job positions

This indicates which job positions have been assigned the competence requirement.

Add/edit competence requirements

When adding new competence requirements or editing existing ones, you will encounter the same fields as those found in the table overview columns. Additionally, there is one extra option available: the ability to activate the "Equivalent Competences" option.

View when adding/editing a competence requirement

Equivalent competences

When this option is chosen, you can designate any competence that is considered equivalent to the established requirement. For instance, if the department's competence requirement is set as "Deck Officer Class 3," you have the flexibility to include "Deck Officer Class 1" and "Deck Officer Class 2" as equivalent competences. This is particularly useful when higher-level certifications cover the competence requirement, and employees with these certificates fulfill the requirement.

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