How to Add New Certificates

How to Add New Certificates

In order to add Certificates you need to set up the following dependencies:
  1. Certificate Structures: You need to organize the Certificate module by creating a Certificate Structure
  2. Certificate Types: You need to enter the relevant Certificate type beforehand (CCOMX provides a handful of types, but your organization may require custom terms when organizing certificates). 
  3. AlertsIf you want to use the Alerts-module to notify users about the certificates expiration date / renewal date, you have to add an alert beforehand. 
  4. Job PositionsThe relevant Job Positions needs to be set up beforehand. See this article on How To Add New Job Positions.
  5. Job Position Group: If you want to add the new certificate to a Job Position Group, you need to create the group beforehand.
In order to add Certificate Structures, Certificate Types, Alerts, Job Positions and Job Position Groups you have to have the privileges associated with Admin Users. If you are do not have these privileges tied to your account, please consult your company IT department, or contact the CCOM Support Team:

1. Navigate to the Certificate Module

  1. Certificates: Click the Certificates tab
  2. Certificate Structure: Click the Certificate Structure containing the Certificate Category you want to add a new certificate to.
  3. Certificate Menu Item: Click the Certificate Category you want to add a new certificate to.
  4. + New Certificate: Click the + New Certificate button.

2. Fill out the form

  1. Cancel: Click if you want to cancel this operation.
  2. Name: Provide a description of the certificate. In this example we are using a certificate for DSB Inspection Declaration (Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection)
  3. Number: Provide what iteration of the certificate this entry is.
  4. Placement: Click and select where in the Certificate Structure you want this certificate to be stored .
  5. Type: Click and select what Certificate Type this entry falls under.
  6. Description: Provide a description of what this certificate is about. In this example we are using judicial text from the regulations associated with the certificate.
  7. Accesses: Select which crew members should have access to this certificate.
  8. Expiry Settings: Toggle the Expiry settings if you want to add a alarm when the renewal date for this certificate gets close.
  9. Alert: Select the alert you want to associate with the certificate. The alert will show up in the Due List for the users who are granted access to the certificate. 
  10. Expiry DateEnter when the certificate expires. (Toggle Multiple Expiry Dates if you want add a custom revision date).
  11. + Add Attachments: Click to upload the certificate document.
  12. Save: Click to save this certificate.

3. Finding the Certificate

The Certificate entry can be found in the main table of the Certificate Module.
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