How To Add Job Positions

How To Add Job Positions

Note: In order to add new Job Positions you have to have the privileges associated with Admin Users. If you are do not have these privileges tied to your account, please consult your company IT department, or contact the CCOM Support Team:

1. Navigating to the Competence Module and creating a new Job Position.

From your Dashboard (default landing page) navigate to and click the ⚙️Admin Settings button under the Other header.

  1. Click the Competence tab under the 'Crew Management & Pax' header.
  2. Click the Job Positions tab in the Secondary Navigation Sidebar.
  3. Click the + New Job Position button.

2. User Interface Overview

  1. Buttons: 
    • Cancel: Click to cancel the creation of this Job Position.
    • Delete: Click to delete this Job Position.
    • Save: Click save to save this Job Position.
  2. Sort order: Provide a sort order for the Job Position. Choose a number from 0 and onwards.
  3. Name: Provide a name for the Job Position. Examples: Sailor, Captain, Chief Engineer, Deck Officer, Deck Engineer etc.
  4. Departments and departments groups: Choose the relevant Department or Department Group the new Job Position applies to¹.
  5. Job position groups: Add the a Job Position Group you want to add the new Job Position to².
  6. Equivalent positions: Choose a job position that has the same function in your organiziation and that has the same privileges associated with it.
  7. Privilege Templates: Choose the Privilege Template you want to use for this Job Position³.
  8. Privileges Editor: Use the Privilege Editor to manually edit the privileges you want to associate with the new Job Position⁴.
¹You need to add Departments and Department Groups before you create a new Job Positions. See these articles for step-by-step instructions on How To Add Departments and How To Add Department Groups.
²You need to add Job Position Groups before you create new Job Positions. See this article for step-by-step instructions on How To Add Job Position Groups.
³You need to create the Privilege Templates before you create new Job Positions. See this article for a step-by-step article on How To Add Privilege Templates
⁴See the main article on the Privilege Editor if you are unsure how to use the Privileges Editor to manually add privileges to Job Positions.

3. Workflow Example

3.1. Adding Departments and Department Groups to the Job Position

3.2. Load a Privilege Template

3.3. Save the Job Position

  1. The Privilege Template is reflected in the checkboxes throughout the Privileges Editor.
  2. Click Save to save the Job Position.

3.4. Finding the new Job Position in the Job Position Table.

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