Job Position Groups

Job Position Groups

Within the "Job Position" section, it's essential to group each specific job position into a "Job Position Group", and this grouping process is carried out right here in this section. 
Just like the individual job positions appear in different parts of the system, the job position groups will also be visible. This makes it easier to choose specific job positions, especially when you have the option to select a department.

Job Position: Job positions with different roles within your organization, such as "Captain", "Engineer", "Chef", or "Deck Officer". Each position comes with its unique set of responsibilities and access.

Job Position Group: Organize the individual job positions into meaningful categories or departments. For example, you might group all the positions related to the machinery/maintenance under a "Engine Department".

Table Overview

In this overview, you will have a concise summary of each individual Job position group using columns that provide key details displayed.

The table overview for "Job Table overview for the "Position Groups".

Sorting order

The sorting order determines the sequence in which job positions groups are displayed, such as in the competence matrix. A higher number means it will appear first in that order. 


Name of the Job position group, and how it will be displayd in the system.


Specifies which individual job positions are included within the Job Position Group.

When you open a specific job position group, you can edit these values, and you also have an additional option: adding a competence number requirement to the group. See article "Competence" and "Competence Requirement"-section.

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