Documents Module – User View
How to create, write, edit, and approve documents in the Documents module.
1. Introduction
In this article we'll break down how to add end edit documents in the Document module as a Regular User, as well as break down the work flow logic of this module. The module is intended to provide our tenants users with a streamlined flatform for writing and signing documents electronically.
This article does not go into the details of the Admin Settings the Document module. For a detailed outline on how to set up a Document Structure with Menu Items please go to Document Module – Admin Settings.
2. User Interface Overview
Document Structure Navigation Sidebar: In this example you can see a fully developed Document Structure. Here you click the Structure and Menu Item you wish to add or work on documents.
Note: You need Administrator Privileges to create and edit Document Structures. For a step by step article on how to set up structures and adding Menu Items, go to: Document Module – Admin Settings.
Document Workflow Navigation Topbar: It works as a sorting filter by rendering the documents in the Document Table (see point 4) based on what tab you have selected out of the 8 categories:
Search bar: Here you can search for a specific document, username or associated keywords.
Document table: This table sorts all the documents associated with your department (ship) based on what Document Workflow navigation topbar tab you have selected.
2.1 Document Structure and Menu Items
In this example we use the same Document Structure and Menu Items we detail in the the article on Document Structure Admin Settings. For a step by step article on how to set up Document Structures and adding Menu Items, go to: Document Module – Admin Settings.
Note: You need Administrator Privileges to create and edit Document Structures.
2.2 Document Workflow Navigation Topbar
Published: All documents regardless of their Workflow Status are found here.
Note: By default the module lands on the published documents.
- Draft: All documents saved as drafts.
- For Approval: All documents that need approval from a higher privileged users will show up here for the user that has the authority to approve the document.
- Change Requests: Documents that have been edited by lower level users and that need approval from a higher privileged user will show up here for the user that has the authority to approve the Change Request.
- Under Revision: All Change Requests that have been opened but not approved will land here with a Under Revision status (think of it as a draft for opened Change Requests).
- Rejected: Documents that are not approved but need further refinements will land as Rejected for the user writing the document.
- Disabled: This acts as a soft-delete where the document is taken out of the Workflow Statuses of (Published, For Approval, Change Requests, Under Revision, Rejected). This might be useful for some tenants that have a large number of documents and need to temporarily put a published document on hold until details, events or materials are obtained that is needed to finalize and approve the document.
Deleted: Documents that are deleted can be found here.
Note: According to regulatory requirement, no data or documents in CCOMX are permanently deleted.
3. Functionality
3.1 How to create a New Document
- Navigate through the Document Structure and click the Menu Item that you want to add a document to.
- Click the + New Document button.
3.1.1 Text Editor Overview
- Top Buttons Row: allows you to Cancel, Save (as draft), Send For Apporval, and Publish your document.
- Rich Text Editor: This is your text editor, it functions much like Microsoft Word or similar text editors.
- Document Metadata: Here you specify how the document will be integrated with CCOMX' other modules.
- Attachments: Here you can upload attachments to your document.
- Cancel: This cancels your draft, it will not be moved to Deleted category in the Document Workflow Navigation Topbar.
- Save: This saves your current work as a draft.
- Send for approval: This sends the document to the Responsible owner of the document.
- Save And Publish: This saves your document as a published document. If there are any confirmations or revisions needed for this document, notifications for the documents' status can then be found in the Document Table of the module.
Tips! You can also search for the document by typing in the document title in the search bar of this module.
3.2 Rich Text Editor Toolbar
- Name: Provide a title for the document.
- Placement: Choose what Menu Item this. Default is the Menu Item you are currently on.
- Department Specific Toggle: Toggle for making document Department specific.
- Department: Select the department or departments you want the document to adhere to.
- Access: Select the sailor you want to have access to this document.
- Responsible owner: Select a sailor associated with your tenants departments that will be responsible for the lifecycle of the document.
- Alerts: Choose an alert you want to associate with this document.
- Next revision date: Select a date when this document must be revised.
Note: in order to select a salor to have Access to a document, one of your tenants Admin Users need to enter crew members with the relevant credentials. For articles on how to set up crew members and credentials please visit these collections of articles on the Admin Settings of CCOMX: Adding New User – Admin settings, Credentials – Admin settings
3.4 Adding Attachments to a document
- Drag and drop: Drag your files into the popup window.
- Choose a file: Click the choose a file part of the text to choose a file from disk.
- Cancel: Cancel the attachment.
- Save: Save the attachment.
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