How To Add New Users

How To Add New Users

In order to add new Users in the Crew Management Module you have to have the privileges associated with Admin Users. If you are do not have these privileges tied to your account, please consult your company IT department, or contact the CCOM Support Team:
In order to add new Users you need to set up the following dependencies:
  1. Departments: You need to have created the relevant Departments beforehand for this User. See this article on How To Add New Departments.
  2. Department Groups:  If you want to add the User to a Department Group, you need to create one beforehand. See this article on How To Add New Department Groups.
  3. Job Positions: The relevant Job Positions needs to be set up beforehand. See this article on How To Add New Job Positions.
  4. Shift: The Departments Shifts needs to be created beforehand. See this article on How To Add New Shifts.

1. Opening the 'Add New User' form.

1.1. Navigate to the Admin Settings.

1. Click the ⚙️ Admin Settings tab under the 'Other' header.

1.2. Navigate to the Users component in the Users & Pax Module.

2. Click the Users & Pax tab under the 'Crew Management & Pax' header.
3. Click the Users tab in the Secondary Navigation Sidebar.
4. Click the + New User button in the Users component.

2. User Interface Overview

  1. Cancel: Click to cancel form.
  2. Personalia: Personal information about the user.
  3. Address: Place of residence for the user.
  4. Employment: Specify what department of employment, from date, and if the employment is temporarily or permanent.
  5. Banking: Provide the users banking information
  6. Credentials: Provide the users Social Security Number, Passport information, and Seamans book information.
  7. Settings: Toggle if the user should receive Due List notification in their account. Note: The Due List can be found at the top of the menu list under the 'Alerts' header for Regular Users (i.e. it's not part of the Admin Settings).
  8. Next of Kin: Provide the contact information of the users next of kin. Note: This is useful in case of an emergency, accidents or any other situation at sea that requires ship crew members next of kin to be notified. 
  9. Save: Click to save form.

User Interface Breakdown:

2.1. Cancel

  1.  Cancel: Click the Cancel button to cancel the creation of this new user.

2.2. Personalia

Specify the basic information about the user. Example:

  1. First name
  2. Middle name
  3. Last name
  4. Mobile prefix
  5. Phone number
  6. Login email
  7. Date of birth
  8. Nationality
  9. Place of birth
  10. Gender

2.3. Address

 Provide the users address details. Example:
  1. Address
  2. Zip
  3. City
  4. Country
  5. Nearest airport


 Provide the users address details. Example:

  1. Department and department groups: Click this field to select the Department and/or Department Groups this User will be employed to.
  2. Employment agreement: Select one of the two radio button options if the employment is Permanent or Temporary.
  3. From: Select starting date of employment.
  4. (If Temporary) From: Select to-date of employment.

2.5. Banking

 Provide the users banking details. Example:

  1. Bank account number
  2. Iban number
  3. Swift number

2.6. Credentials

 Provide the users credentials details. Example:

  1. Social Security number
  2. Passport number
  3. Passport issuing state
  4. Passport expiration date
  5. Seamans book number
  6. Seamans book issuing state
  7. Seamans book expiration date

2.7. Settings

  1. Due List Notification: Toggle this to let the user recieve notifications in the Due List module.

2.8. Next of Kin 

2.8.1. How to Add Next of Kin

1. Click the "⊕" button to add new Next of Kin.
2. When you add Next of Kin, the information is shown here.

3: Cancel: Cancel the Next of Kin entry.
4. Main Contact: Toggle to specify the Next of Kin entry as the Main Contact of the User.
5. Save: Click Save to save Next of Kin.

6. ✔️: Main Contact will be reflected in the Main Contact Table with the green checkmark symbol.

2.9. Save

Scroll up to the top of the form and save the User.

  1. Save: Click to save the new User.

3. Finding the New User

The new user reflected in the Users Table.

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